Friday Night we got to go visit my aunt and uncle. I had a little geneology lesson! SO much fun to see them!
On Saturday we went to Kettle Falls where we got to stay with my Grandma. My aunt and cousin came over and played games with us. We also got to see my brother and his family. My brother also stayed and played games with us. My sister and her kids stopped by too! I can't believe how big the kids are. It's pretty sad when an 8 year old is almost as big as you are LOL!

We also got to see Dee and Jeff and Hailee. Hailee kicked our butts in wii bowling!
Jason was playing with Hailee and said hey whats that in your ear and pretended to pull a dollar out of her ear. Hailee then tried to put the dollar back in her ear LOL! SO CUTE!!
It's always great to go visit family! I am exhausted from staying up WAY too late chatting and playing games all weekend,but thats part of the fun! We came home and both of us fell asleep. Now time to go back to bed and then work tomorrow. It's great to be home!