Friday, August 14, 2009

Turners Group Campout

On the Weekend of the 6th thru the 9th of August 2009, Mandy and I had the chance to plan and attend the annual Turners Group camp out. It started off by Mandy and I heading to Baumgartner Camp Ground on Thursday morning to prepare for the group to join us on Friday. When we arrived we decided to take a look at the site that we had reserved and Mandy became very worried that the site was to small. But with luck, the site across from our site was bit bigger and was open. So with a little talking to the camp host, we were able to move to the new site and keep in reserve the old site just in case.

We then found us a single site and started to prepare for the night and get started on dinner and discovered that I had forgotten propane for cooking. So we had to take a drive in to Featherville and then to Pine to buy a bottle of propane.($6.99 each)Needless to say that we finally got back to camp in the dark and prepared our dinner. To make things better, it began to rain on us so we ate and then just 4-Runner camped.

The next morning we got up and ate breakfast and then moved to our group site to prepare for the group to show up. While waiting we decided to go enjoy the hot springs. Then it was back to camp to continue setting up and scouting for wood for our camp fires to last us. The first to show up was Elizabeth and she was able to find us based on our directions we gave here. Then shortly, Jeremy and Malia and Girls drove up and were very happy with our choice to move. We helped them to set up their camper. With luck it was pretty dry while we waited for the others and had a good chance to visit with Jeremy and his wife.

Awhile later, Troy and Brittney and kids showed up and we all helped them to set up their tent trailer. As we were helping them, Misty and her two kids showed up and we helped them set up as well. It was good to see that everyone jumped in to help one another. And then we moved on to making dinner. And then we all changed and headed to the hot springs for a nice soak.

Then it was back to camp to warm up by the fire and have smores and prepare for bed.

The next morning we all prepare our breakfast, which Mandy and I made Birds Nest foil breakfast. For those that do not know what is in a Birds Nest, it consists of Hash Browns molded into a nest with pieces of ham, bacon, and one egg in the center. Oh so Good!

We then planned out what everyone was going to do with the day and how we would have fun. Some choose nap for the day and others choose to go on a nature hike.

We then returned back to camp to relax and further get to know one another and allow the kids to settle down.

Then it was time to prepare dinner, Burgers, Hot Dogs, Salads, and dutch oven dump cake.

We had a hard time keeping Troy awake.

When dinner was finished we sat talking and then started preparing to head for the hot springs for the evening.

Time for a soak!

Oh what a feeling of a nice soak in a hot springs before bed. Way to relax the weary muscales. The hard part was the fact that it would be our last night together so we made the best of it. We turned in for the night after getting the kids down for bed. The next morning we made breakfast and then it was tare down of camp time. Just as everyone had when arriving, we all worked together to tare down camp.

Hard to say good by to new found friends.

We want to thank everyone that was able to attend The Turners Group Campout fo 2009. Mandy and I are so thankful for the help and friendships that we have found from The Turners Group of Idaho and the blessings it brings to our lives. We look forward to future events as well as future camp outs. Thank You!
Jason and Mandy Thueson

1 comment:

Tama said...

That looks like so much fun! I wish we could have been there, but there's always next year!
P.S. Is your dog a border collie?