Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Truly Blessed

With Thanksgiving right around the corner I was thinking of all the blessings we have had in our life this year. It has been an interesting year to say the least. I am looking for a job for the 2nd time in the last 6 months. I have a 2nd interview at St. Lukes this week (thank you Gen!)! If I get the job it will only be part time (it might work into full time eventually), but it will open so many doors for me which I would be extremely thankful for! I have to say that even though this year hasn't been the best because of the economy, I know things could very easily have been a lot worse! Normally we would be soooo stressed out right now, but We have the most amazing friends and family, we are able to pay our bills, we have our health and happiness, and we have each other! What more could we ask for? Here's to all the blessings we have in our life.

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