Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Yesterday I had my first EVER hospital experience. I was really scared because I didn't know what to expect. when I checked in I had to get MORE labs done! For the record I think I've had enough lab work done to last for the rest of my life! of course the lab tech wasn't able to draw the blood from my arm so he had to get it from the top of my hand! OUCH! After that I went down to medical imaging where they put me in a room and got my IV in. This was me right before the IV was put in. Jas was trying to make me laugh cuz he knew I was nervous. As you can see I was less than ammused .

I was so nervous about the IV but it really wasn't that bad other than the initial numbing shot the nurse gave me. Here I am after The IV. Even smiling! Can you believe it? LOL! Can you tell I was nervous. It's scary when you don't know what to expect!

We hung out for a little bit and then the nurse sent Jas to the cafeteria and wheeled me into the room for the procedure. Aparently I was awake for the procedure but don't remember any of it! I remember the Dr. explaining what was going to happen, and then the nurse gave me the sedation medicine. The next thing I remember is waking up in a different room and Jas and the nurse were watching Toy Story 2. I slept off and on for the next little bit.

I ate a little food and then after a whie I got to come home. SO there you have it...proof that I Survived my first hospital experience! or I guess the better phrase would be... proof I survived the fear of my first hospital experience. Thank you Jas! I couldn't have made it through this without you!

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