Monday, October 3, 2011

Life Throws us Lemons!

well it's been a rough couple weeks at the Thueson house. In the last 3 weeks we have had 2 trips to the ER, 2 surgeries, and our adoption fell through!Somehow today we have a smile on our faces and things are getting back to normal.FINALLY!! we have had a lot of support from our amazing family and friends! WE LOVE YOU ALL! We would have never made it through the last couple weeks without you! I'm happy to report that jason is finally on the mend after his 2nd surgery! our life is getting back to normal. next on the list is to finish getting sod down in the back yard and moving forward with health and welfare so we can finally have our family! It's been a long time coming! Life may give us lemons but they can't keep us down for too long. watch out world we are coming back strong cuz thats how we roll!!!

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