Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Sunday Drive to Sun Valley --- Pause Playlist First

For Valintines/Mandys B-day we decided to take a drive to Sun Valley for the day. With Valintines on Saterday and Mandys Birthday on Monday we figured that Sunday would be a good day to spend together. So we packed up the 4-Runner with our snow gear and Jazzy and headed out on our adventure. We went through Mt. Home and then north to Sun Valley. We stopped in Sun Valley Resort and took a stroll through the resort with Jazzy meeting a new friend and not so friendly Swans. We then continued north to Stanley, ID were we cut across west to Lowman, ID. In Lowman we ran into a VERY large heard of Elk and got some great photo's as well as video. We also saw 2 Bald Eagles, A doe Mule Deer, and one crazy Racoon crossing the road in front of us. Then from Lowman we headed south to Idaho City, and along the way I thought that I had seen a cougar darting across the hill side. We stopped and backed up to try and see it again, but what ever it was long gone. From Idaho City we then returned home. After about a 10 and a half hour stroll through Idaho and 5 to 6 hundred mile drive, we were glad to finally get home to our warm bed and prepare for a new day.

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