Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What a week, and it's only Wednesday

This week we have been dealing with my car being broken down. What's wrong you ask? Well if only we knew we could tell you. I went out Monday morning to warm up my car. It started up just fine, and I went back in the house for about 10 minutes while my car defrosted. when I went outside to leave for work my car was no longer running. I tried to start it with no luck. I ran in and got Jas and he tried to jump start it...STILL NOTHING! Jas took the battery out and we took it to Schucks to have it tested. They said "yep you have a bad battery". YAY easy fix, or at least one may think easy fix right? We bought a new battery, went home, put the new battery in and again NO LUCK! Time to call in reinforcements!!! In this case my awesome father-in-law (Love you Gail, Thanks for all your help! We owe you big time!!). He said well I don't think it's your starter or your alternator. I think you might have condensation in your gas line from it being so cold and only having 1/4 tank of gas in the car. YAY also an easy fix! Just go buy this additive and that should dry it out. Key word here is SHOULD! Yep you guessed it still NO LUCK!! My poor car is now in the shop, and we wait for the mechanic to call and tell us whats wrong. I'll let you know the results when we find out....Like I said great week so far and it's only Wednesday! Can't wait to see what the rest of the week has in store for us, but I think it can only get better from here, or at least I hope it gets better!!

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