Friday, June 27, 2008


When I was about 2 years old (maybe a little younger) my parents got divorced. My Brother, Sister, and I were raised by our Mom and Stepdad. I saw my biological father once when I was about 7 I think. That's the only visit I remember anyways. Maybe there were others and I was just too young to remember them. We knew our Dad had a previous marriage before marrying our Mom, and also that he had a son with his previous wife. When I was 18 or 19 I went to see our Dad for the first time since I ws a little kid. He told me that he knew where our Brother was, and he gave me the information to contact him. So here we are. After talking to my Brother Chad on the phone and through email for the last 8 years Jas and I finally met Chad in person this week for the first time! He is now married to his wife Susie, and they have 3 adorable kids. We had the most amazing visit! It's kind of strange to think that you have a brother you've never met, but once you do meet it's like you've never been separated. I instantly felt comfortable with Chad and his family. I think our personalities are a lot alike. Hopefully Chad and his family felt the same way with Me and Jas. We only got to spend 2 days together, so we have a lifetime of catching up to do. I can't wait to embark on that exciting journey!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Trip to Salt Lake

When we met Chad in Salt Lake we stayed with Angie and Joel and the kids. It was so much fun to see them and finally meet little Paige! We all went to the zoo on Tuesday. It was great to see how excited little Sydney was to see the animals. We loved being able to spend time with the kids! We don't see them as often as we would like, so it's always great to catch up after awhile.

AHHH The lion's gonna eat me!!!

So this is what a bear feels like...

Cute Girls!

Sweet Baby Paige

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Hey everyone,
A couple of you have asked me how you can leave comments if you aren't blogger members. After a little investigation I realized my settings only allowed blogger members to leave comments, so I have changed it so anyone that wants to can leave comments now. Just click the comment link under the post you want to comment on. When the next page shows up type your comment in the box and scroll down and click anonymous, and then publish comment. You may also have to do a word verification. We hope you enjoy our website! Please let us know what you think.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tagged Once More!

Thanks Angie!'s harder than it looks! . *Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following... *they have to be real places names, things...nothing made up! Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the same 1st initial. (WHICH, BY THE WAY, IS HARD IF YOU ALREADY READ THEIR ANSWERS) You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl. Good luck!

1. What is your name: Mandy
2. 4 letter word: Moon
3. Vehicle: Mercedes
4. City: Memphis
5. Boy's Name: Matt
6. Girl's Name: Maya
7. Beverage: Milk
8. Occupation: Mechanic
9. Something you wear: Mittens
10. Celebrity: Madonna
11. Food: mexican
12. Something in a bathroom: Makeup
13. Reason for Being Late: Mis-Scheduled
14. Cartoon Character: Marvin The Martian
15. Something You Shout: Move
16. Animal: Monkey
17. Body part: Mouth
(I tag anyone who wants to do scattergories!)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

1. What is your name: Jason
2. 4 letter word: Juan
3. Vehicle: Jaguar
4. City: Jamestown
5. Boy's Name: Jaymin
6. Girl's Name: Jennifer
7. Beverage: Julius
8. Occupation: Junk Yard Man
9. Something you wear: Jewlery
10. Celebrity: Jagger
11. Food: Jam
12. Something in a bathroom: Jergins Soap
13. Reason for Being Late: Jammed Toe
14. Cartoon Character: Jimminy Kricket
15. Something You Shout: JUMP!!!
16. Animal: Jack Rabbit
17. Body part: Joint