Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Goal

so 4 and 1/2 years ago when Jas and I were engaged I was really stressed out, and as a result I gained about 23 pounds (ugh disgusting!!) I was by no means obese but I was overweight for my height. My weight gain was not from food, it was simply stress. Some people tend to use food as a comfort when they are stressed , but not me. I tried the gym and running. I lost a couple pounds but always gained it right back. I was extremely frustrated and disgusted with how I looked, but didn't know what to do, since the gym wasn't working. I think you have to spend like 5 hours a day in the gym to actually see results (frustrating)! Honestly who has time to do that! I was going for about 45 min. I ran 2 sometimes 3 miles a day on the treadmill and elyptical, and then on top of that I was walking my dog after dinner and doing pilates. I still only lost a pound or 2! Finally in April my friend told me about the South Beach Diet.(Thanks Trish you're a lifesaver!) I lost 8 pounds the first 2 weeks, and I wasn't working out at all! I lost 15 pounds in 2 months. I have kept the weight off with no problem so far, but I just started the diet again on monday. My goal is to be at the weight I was when Jason met me by Thanksgiving. Only 8 more pounds to go! Wish me luck, I'm gonna need it!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Our New Addition

We went to Spokane this past weekend to see my family. I had to come back Sunday for work, but Jas doesn't have to be back to work until tomorrow, so I flew back and he's driving back today. This morning I got a text message from Jas with this picture saying "can little miss Bootsy come live with us"

He is so sweet! Here is another picture of Bootsy. She is 6 weeks old, and was the only black kitten in the litter. The rest of them were gray.