Friday, December 12, 2008

What Next??

So a couple weeks ago Jasons 4 runner started acting funny. He took it in for an oil change and they said it was leaking oil, transmition fluid, and his differential was also leaking...Needless to say it's in the shop today. Once they figure out the problem they will call us and let us know what it will cost to fix it. On top of the car problem Jas came home from work a couple days ago with a tootheache and a swollen cheeck. I made him go to the dentist yesterday and they had to pull 2 teeth. Poor guy!!!! Bad things always come in 3's right, so I sit here wondering what that 3rd problem will be...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Pictures from Thanksgiving Weekend in Spokane

I only took a few pictures this time, but here they are...

Me and my Mom LOVE HER!

My little "Big Brother" Adam and my cousin Josh

Me with my niece and nephew- I miss you guys!

My mom and cousin Josh- He somehow talked her into posing like this HA HA!

Monday, December 1, 2008

A Blessing In Disguise

I went to Spokane for Thanksgiving weekend. It was a great time with my family! Yesterday my flight was supposed to leave Spokane at 4:30, but it got delayed. The later in the day it got the more it was delayed until finally it was delayed until 8:40. I still had to be at the air port at the original flight time "just in case" they decided we could leave earlier than 8:40. It was a long night, but the dreadful 5 hours at the airport turned out not to be so bad. I was sitting there watching a movie when I looked up and saw this blind guy wandering. He was running into things so I asked him if I could help him. He said “ I’m just trying to find a chair.” I helped him find a seat, and We talked for a while. About an hour or hour and a half later his wife came to sit with him until he got on the plane. They kept me company most of the night and then I helped him get on and off the plane, and then Jas and I got him to his cab. It turned out to be a blessing for me. I was really not in a good mood after I found out I had to sit at the airport for at least 4 hours (which ended up being 5 hours), but having them there made it go by fast. It turned out to be an OK night after all.