Monday, March 19, 2012

Homework Blues

We were struggling getting Cassie to put the correct answers on her homework and work/tests  that she did at school. For some reason she was purposely putting the wrong answers down even when she knew the correct answer! WHAT DO YOU DO WITH THAT? I was all prepared for the kid that fights you when you ask them to do their homework, but purposely putting down the wrong answers??? We were even getting phone calls from the school because they thought something was wrong with her! SERIOUSLY???? Jas and I both knew it wasn't that at all, but it was a behavior issue! Her 1st report card was horrible to say the least! We tried EVERYTHING from giving her incentives (we told her if she did her homework to the best of her ability the first time she could stay up an extra half hour), to giving her homework back to her over and over until she fixed it! Nothing worked! It was 2 or 3 hours of absolute misery for both her and us! We would give it back to her to fix it and she would get mad, and eventually start crying, and arguing with us. Then we finally told her if she didn't change she was going to repeat 3rd grade again. She kind of did bettter for a bit then went right back to her old ways. NOW WHAT? The only thing left we could think of was to put it back on her, and that's exactly what we did. We told her we were no longer going to check her work. We would make sure she did it and it was all complete, but if her answers were wrong we were no longer going to tell her and let her fix them.  It was now up to her to make sure her answers were right so she wouldn't have to repeat 3rd grade again. We also asked her teacher not to let her fix answers at school.  We combined that with an incentive program, and it's been working GREAT! It's amazing what kids will do when you hold them accountable for their actions! We started a sticker chart and if she earns so many points in 2 weeks she gets a reward. She picks the reward, so  hopefully it  will motivate her since it's something she wants. She ended up not earning enoough points to get her reward the first time. Her grades did come WAY up though! She now has almost 3 A's  and one high C. That C is almost a B and it  used to be an F,  and the other grades were C's and D's! HUGE improvement! Here is her new sticker chart....she wanted a Hawaiian theme! Kind of fitting since she is half Hawaiian! We had so much fun making it together!! This time she wanted her reward to be her and I going to get our nails done together! Off to a good start! Today is the first day and she got 100% on her homework tonight! GREAT JOB CAS! Mom and Dad are so proud of you!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Cassie's Story

                                                               "The monster"

             Once upon a time there were three monsters. Their names were Cassie, Ashlyn , and Grandma. They were BEASTLY monsters! Cassie’s mustache was filled with food! She would licked it every morning and tasted it and Grandma was the worst and ashlyn and me were the best no-No-NO!!! That can’t be right! Said Grandma monster who was always well groomed and lovely. No-no-no said ashlyn and cassie were the loveliest ones! Maybe said grandma but you smell the worst! But you fart too much and I’m tired about smelling it! All right off with your head cassie monster! grandma said and called in royal executioner. Ashlyn saved cassie from grandma and grandma said ahhhh! A jabawaky came and ate grandma found chocolate and ate it all and three days and she got spit out and grandma was slimy she smelled disgusting ! THE END wait I forgot who is the illastrater !
                                                                     BY CASSIE!